Exchange Server Recipients

There are a number of types of Exchange Server recipients, differentiated by the RecipientType and RecipientTypeDetails properties. The following are the common mailbox-enabled recipients.


For an exhaustive list, see BOL.

User mailbox

A mailbox-enabled Active Directory user account. 

There is an email address for the recipient and a mailbox stored in a mailbox database somewhere in the Exchange organization. 

RecipientType: UserMailbox
RecipientTypeDetails: UserMailbox

Cmdlets: Get-Mailbox.

Mail contact

There is an email address for the recipient but the mailbox is elsewhere - the Exchange organization forwards email (this is not a relay, so relay permissions do not apply). 

RecipientType: MailContact
RecipientTypeDetails: MailContact 

Cmdlets: Get-MailContact.

Mail user

There is an email address for the recipient but the mailbox is elsewhere - the Exchange organization forwards email (this is not a relay, so relay permissions do not apply). 

A mail-enabled Active Directory user account - it can be used to sign in and access resources.

RecipientType: MailUser
RecipientTypeDetails: MailUser 

Cmdlets: Get-MailUser.

Room mailbox

A Mailbox-enabled Active Directory user account (disabled), representing a bookable room Rooms have a MaximumOccupancy property (not that anything seems to take it into consideration). 

RecipientType: UserMailbox
RecipientTypeDetails: RoomMailbox 

Cmdlets: Get-Mailbox, New-Mailbox -Room. 

Equipment mailbox

A mailbox-enabled Active Directory user account (disabled), representing a bookable resource other than a room. 

RecipientType: UserMailbox
RecipientTypeDetails: EquipmentMailbox 

Cmdlets: Get-Mailbox, New-Mailbox -Equipment.

Distribution group

A mail-enabled Universal Distribution group (thus, not a security principal). 

RecipientType: MailUniversalDistributionGroup
RecipientTypeDetails: MailUniversalDistributionGroup 

Cmdlets: Get-DistributionGroup (shows GroupType of "Universal"), Get-DistributionGroupMember. 

Mail-enabled security group

A mail-enabled Universal Security group (is a security principal so can be given rights to resources). 

RecipientType: MailUniversalSecurityGroup
RecipientTypeDetails: MailUniversalSecurityGroup 

Cmdlets: Get-DistributionGroup (shows GroupType of "Universal, SecurityEnabled"), Get-DistributionGroupMember. 

Room list

A mail-enabled Distribution group containing only room resources. Used by Outlook 2010 and 2013 and by Outlook Web App 2013. Can not be created or seen using EAC. 

RecipientType: MailUniversalDistributionGroup
RecipientTypeDetails: RoomList

Cmdlets: Get-DistributionGroup (shows GroupType of "Universal"), Get-DistributionGroupMember.

Dynamic distribution group

Based either on a custom query or on "precanned" search options. EAC can create dynamic distribution groups only using the "precanned" filters. EMS can create them using the "precanned" filters or a custom OPATH filter. 

RecipientType: DynamicDistributionGroup
RecipientTypeDetails: DynamicDistributionGroup 

Cmdlets: Get-DynamicDistributionGroup.